Psychoeducational Evaluations

  • What is it and who can benefit?

    A psychoeducational evaluation is an assessment used to help understand a person's cognitive, academic, and emotional/behavioral functioning. It includes intelligence and academic achievement testing to measure cognitive abilities and academic skills, as well as behavioral and emotional assessments to evaluate social and emotional well-being.

    The evaluation also gathers developmental and medical history and incorporates observations and interviews from parents, teachers, and the child. The goal is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and any learning or emotional challenges to aid in the creation of tailored educational plans and interventions to support both in school and at home.

    Psychoeducational evaluations can be used within the school, alongside other data, to determine if a child meets criteria for a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP). They are also used in qualifying for accommodations in college and with entrance and standardized exams for college and graduate schools (i.e.: SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, etc).

  • What is the process?

    The comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation begins with an intake interview with the parent(s). The child being evaluated is not included in the virtual appointment. During this time, we will discuss your presenting concerns as well as background and developmental history of your child.

    Duration: approximately 60 minutes

    Following the intake, your child will be scheduled for the individual testing session. During this session, we will measure your child's cognitive abilities (processing speed, memory, fluid reasoning, visual spatial abilities) and their academic abilities (math, reading, written expression). Depending on their age, your child may also complete standardized measures to assess their emotions and behaviors. In addition, these measures will be sent to parent(s) and teachers(s) to obtain views in various settings.

    Duration: 3-6 hours of individualized testing, plus data collection from teachers and parents.

    Once all data has been collected, a report will be compiled with relevant background information, evaluation results and interpretation, and recommendations. A feedback session will be schedule with the parent(s), and when appropriate the child, to review the findings and recommendations.

    Duration: approximately 60 minutes for feedback, typically 2-3 weeks following the individual testing session.

  • What is the cost?

    Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations include the initial parent interview, any relevant behavior rating scales, individual testing of the child, and a feedback session to discuss results and recommendations. You will also receive a written report for your records that can be provided to school or others working with your child.

    Pricing is based on areas tested and the time needed to interpret the findings and complete a written report with recommendations. Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations start at $1,800.